Friday, July 23, 2010

More Good News!

I am delinquent on sending this email because I have been having so much fun! This is not a sarcastic remark, it is true. I feel GREAT!

During my first surgery they were not able to do what they had planned. They could only get a cage between the bottom verterbra. The other vertebrae were to full of arthritis and crumpled together that they couldn’t get it done. That’s okay.

I am currently able to stand up straight and walk with no pain in my spine, my stomach is a different story. On Wednesday I took a walk with our youngest (the broken leg boy) six houses down the block and back. Afterward I cried. He is 6 and I have NEVER been able to do this before. I still cry when I think about it - hormones!

I only had to use the walker for 6 days after surgery. I went out and bought a really cool cane just for stability. Pain meds are almost to nothing. My physical therapist says “You one crazy lady.“ (Yes, he is Asian.) I was put on a nerve pain med because that dang nerve that runs from the spine down my left leg to my toes likes to act up. I blame this on me trying to bend or twist.

I am on a BLT life for the next several months. BLT means no bending, lifting or twisting. Have you ever tried to wash your hands, brush your teeth or get in a car under these restrictions? It’s not easy.

I saw my spine specialist yesterday and he is also amazed how well I am doing.

Now for the next surgery on the 27th. Totally new procedure due to how well I am doing. He plans on opening up my entire spine, removing my existing rod, then doing a lot less fusion. My upper spine fells much better now that I stand up straight. There is some arthritis there but he doesn’t plan to touch it. On the lower back, he would like to try again to fix the space between L4 - L5 and also work on L2 - L3 and L3 - L4. Needless to say, I have been told this surgery will be more painful than the first. And no ostemony!!! If you do not know what this is, it is where they have to notch out the vertebrae to try to bend it back into place. I have been told it is a very painful procedure. Also, I may get out of the hospital quicker than 7 days!!!

If you cannot tell, I am happy and excited! All this pain and time is worth it.

Your prayers have helped tremendously, how else can I continue to amaze everyone. Please continue to pray. My goal is to be off all pain meds by September 1st before school starts. I want to be the wife and mom I haven’t been in many years.

Monday, July 19, 2010

First surgery down, one more in 7 days.

I don’t remember much the day of the surgery or the day after. Surgery was Tuesday the 13th and they couldn’t get done what they wanted. They could only get a cage between S1 and L5. I have about 30 staples (they will be taken out during the next surgery). To put it in terms that my family in Wisconsin speaks – I feel like a deer that was just gutted, all the inners taken out, then put back in and stapled back up. I have no pain in my spine just my entire front. The hardest thing is to get up and down with little pain.

Last Thursday I was given 2 units of blood because I was very anemic. I finally started feeling better on Friday. I got up each day to walk a little but Friday I walked all over!

I know people came to visit me, but sometimes I was asleep. Please know I appreciate all the visits and food. My family has been well fed!! I am slowly going from jello and water to soup and tea. In fact, I had two teenagers peeling potatoes in my bedroom. It’s funny how potato peels fly! By the way, the soup tasted great!!

When my mom talked to me a couple days ago I said there is no way I will ever do this again. As of today, I am thinking better and know I need this next surgery to be fully back to normal.

My husband and boys have been awesome! Our little one keeps telling me not to cough or laugh. He says, “You know mommy, it hurts so don’t do it!” Our middle one just keeps walking in the bedroom, looks at me, gives me a hug and leaves. Our oldest is doing his best to make me laugh in between texting. We also have a good friend’s daughter from Wisconsin staying for a week. She has been an angel. She keeps the boys on their toes and keeps offering to give me a leg massage. I need to especially thank my husband who gets to hear me rant and complain but still loves me. He is my rock!

Saturday I got a couple special phone calls. My family reunion from my dad’s side of the family was in Greenleaf State Park in OK. I really wanted to be there since it seems like everyone is getting older. But my family called to say hi and that they missed me. The next phone call was from my high school class of 1980. I haven’t talked with many of these people since then. They had a family picnic and played pass the phone to say hi to me! I was shocked to tears!

I do have one big question – now that more of my spine is fused, how do you wipe your bottom without twisting or bending? Stop laughing! This is serious. My PT guru told me to follow the “BLT”. No Bending, Lifting or Twisting for the next 6 to 9 months. Any suggestions?

Next doctor appointment is Thursday for post and pre-op. He will be taking more x-rays to determine what the next surgery will entail. Until then, I have PT, OT and a nurse that come to our home to keep me going.

Getting tired now. On two different pain meds and muscle relaxer. Also, typing makes me dizzy. God is still on the throne and in control!

Monday, July 12, 2010

No turning back!

Here we go!! Twenty-four hours from now I will be under anesthesia in surgery. The one surgeon will open me up and move all my "inners" out of the way so the two spine surgeons can piece me back together. Sound like fun? I am actually very excited, and a bit nervous.

Excited because after these two surgeries, I have hope of a life with little to no back pain and the prospect of being able to walk. Going to Target and having to ride in a wheelchair and have little kids look at me and be scared, is not my idea of life. Not being able to walk further that a few feet is no fun. Taking pain pills every day and muscle relaxers at night just to sleep, is not my idea of life at 48 years old. I am excited to think I will be able to take a moonlit walk with my best friend and husband. I am excited to think I will be able to cook with my boys.

I am nervous because I always have problems with anesthesia. I have a hard time waking up and I usually throw-up for a long time afterward. I am nervous because I will not be in control of what happens while I am in surgery. I am a control freak and I am always in the drivers seat.

But here we go! Off on a new journey in life. God is in control and I am in the passenger seat.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Basic Facts

The first surgery (July 13) they will be taking out all the arthritis and degenerated discs between levels L4-L5 and L5-S1. Then they will put in plastic cages and fill them with cadaver bone marrow. They will attached a strip of metal and screws to hold the vertebra in place. Surgery is scheduled for 4 hours and 4 days in the hospital. Sounds easy!!!

After the first surgery (July 22), they will take more scoliosis x-rays to see how straight I am. Then they will have more of an idea what they need to do during the second surgery.

As of now, the second surgery (July 27) they want to remove my Harrington Rod (if possible) or the loose parts. My current rod is T4 to L4. Then they will fuse the rest of the spine above and below. They are not sure yet if they will need to do any osteotomies or how high they will need to go. Surgery is scheduled for 8 hours long and 7 days in the hospital.

I do know I will have a walker and a brace from the legs up. we come!!