Monday, July 12, 2010

No turning back!

Here we go!! Twenty-four hours from now I will be under anesthesia in surgery. The one surgeon will open me up and move all my "inners" out of the way so the two spine surgeons can piece me back together. Sound like fun? I am actually very excited, and a bit nervous.

Excited because after these two surgeries, I have hope of a life with little to no back pain and the prospect of being able to walk. Going to Target and having to ride in a wheelchair and have little kids look at me and be scared, is not my idea of life. Not being able to walk further that a few feet is no fun. Taking pain pills every day and muscle relaxers at night just to sleep, is not my idea of life at 48 years old. I am excited to think I will be able to take a moonlit walk with my best friend and husband. I am excited to think I will be able to cook with my boys.

I am nervous because I always have problems with anesthesia. I have a hard time waking up and I usually throw-up for a long time afterward. I am nervous because I will not be in control of what happens while I am in surgery. I am a control freak and I am always in the drivers seat.

But here we go! Off on a new journey in life. God is in control and I am in the passenger seat.


  1. woo-hoo! Just by anticipating the joy to come, you are leaping across one big hurdle. That's a figurative leap, and I am praying that one day after this is all over, there will be many literal leaps.

    Praying for you RIGHT NOW, dear sister, as you are likely on your way to the hospital or checking in or puttin' on a pretty cap and gown!

  2. Hi Barb - Your blog is great. You are in surgery right now and I am praying for you. You have done a nice job with sharing your faith in your blog and I love that. Nice job and I sure hope you are feeling better by the time you read this! The journey begins.....
