Friday, July 23, 2010

More Good News!

I am delinquent on sending this email because I have been having so much fun! This is not a sarcastic remark, it is true. I feel GREAT!

During my first surgery they were not able to do what they had planned. They could only get a cage between the bottom verterbra. The other vertebrae were to full of arthritis and crumpled together that they couldn’t get it done. That’s okay.

I am currently able to stand up straight and walk with no pain in my spine, my stomach is a different story. On Wednesday I took a walk with our youngest (the broken leg boy) six houses down the block and back. Afterward I cried. He is 6 and I have NEVER been able to do this before. I still cry when I think about it - hormones!

I only had to use the walker for 6 days after surgery. I went out and bought a really cool cane just for stability. Pain meds are almost to nothing. My physical therapist says “You one crazy lady.“ (Yes, he is Asian.) I was put on a nerve pain med because that dang nerve that runs from the spine down my left leg to my toes likes to act up. I blame this on me trying to bend or twist.

I am on a BLT life for the next several months. BLT means no bending, lifting or twisting. Have you ever tried to wash your hands, brush your teeth or get in a car under these restrictions? It’s not easy.

I saw my spine specialist yesterday and he is also amazed how well I am doing.

Now for the next surgery on the 27th. Totally new procedure due to how well I am doing. He plans on opening up my entire spine, removing my existing rod, then doing a lot less fusion. My upper spine fells much better now that I stand up straight. There is some arthritis there but he doesn’t plan to touch it. On the lower back, he would like to try again to fix the space between L4 - L5 and also work on L2 - L3 and L3 - L4. Needless to say, I have been told this surgery will be more painful than the first. And no ostemony!!! If you do not know what this is, it is where they have to notch out the vertebrae to try to bend it back into place. I have been told it is a very painful procedure. Also, I may get out of the hospital quicker than 7 days!!!

If you cannot tell, I am happy and excited! All this pain and time is worth it.

Your prayers have helped tremendously, how else can I continue to amaze everyone. Please continue to pray. My goal is to be off all pain meds by September 1st before school starts. I want to be the wife and mom I haven’t been in many years.


  1. I keep looking back at this upbeat post, and I am confident that God has more healing in store for you.

    So sorry to hear of the infection you've been fighting.
